Ms. Shanu Jain



Assistant Professor – Management

Convener – Mental Health Society [Meraki]

Managing & Executive Editor – DME Journal of Management [DMEJM]

Incharge – Data & Quality Management [DME Management School]



Phd [Pursuing]

M.Phil, NET – JRF, M.Com



Ms. Shanu Jain is currently associated with Delhi Metropolitan Education, GGSIP University as an Assistant Professor teaching the Management students. She is also pursuing Ph.D. from Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.  A postgraduate in Commerce and also completed M.Phil. from, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Passionate about teaching and research especially in areas of consumer behaviour and marketing using qualitative and quantitative methods. Attended various National and International Conferences, FDPs and Workshops.  She is also the Managing and Executive Editor at DME Journal of Management.

Area of SpecializationArea of Interest
Marketing ManagementDigital Marketing
Finance and Taxation Qualitative & Quantitative Research methods
Research MethodologyMental Health Awareness


Assistant Professor, DME Management
Convener-Meraki []Convener-Meraki []
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