Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Kant Swami




Director DME, Dean- DME Management School, Professor (Business Management)




MBA (Major-Finance, Minor-Marketing),

BA (Economics, Political Science and Philosophy)



Dr. Swami has a decorated and diverse educational background- a Phd in Management, MBA and Bachelors in Economics from prestigious universities in India, and has certifications and trainings from B-Schools like IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta and IIFT New Delhi. Dr. Swami has an assorted list of subjects at his command that credits him with the excellence of a multi-variate teaching style. He has published numerous research papers and supervised PhD thesis, dissertations at M.Phil as well as MBA levels.

Dr. Swami is our Honorary Director at DME and leads the Management School with his superior guidance and inspiring style of teaching. He motivates a team of remarkable faculty to induce better teaching and assure better learning outcomes under his guidance. His visionary attitude helps drive the institute a step closer to its mission each day.

Area of SpecializationArea of Interest
Business ManagementStrategic Management
EconomicsInternational Business
PhilosophyAccounting and Finance


Director – DME Management