Mr. Bhupender Singh




Assistant Professor- Management



Ph.D. (CSE) (Pursuing)

MBA (IB & Marketing)

M.Tech (IT)

M.Phil (CS)



Mr. Bhupender is presently working as an Assistant Professor in Management at DME. He is also the Head of IT and Convener, ERP at the institution. He has 15+ years of work experience from reputed institutes in the field of academics, teaching subjects including Information Systems Management (ISM), Business Intelligence and Applications (BIA), Information & Technology for Managers (ITM) System Analysis & Design, E-Business,         Data Warehousing & Data Mining, Computer Application & Management (CAM),  DBMS/DDBMS/ADBMS, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, C, C++,  Java, Enterprise Computing in Java (Advance Java), Operating System, Distributed Systems,  Multimedia, Software Engineering, OOSE using UML, Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Digital Electronics, Computer System Organization and Architecture(COA), Computer Networks, etc.

He is presently pursuing a PhD in CSE from Invertis University, Bareily, UP, after having completed his MPhil, MCA, MBA and MTech from reputed institutes.

Area of SpecializationArea of Interest

·         Electronic Business: Concepts, Issues & Challenges

·         Role of Information Systems in Business

·         Data Warehousing & Data Mining: Concepts, Issues & Challenges

·         Significance of Knowledge Management in Business



Assistant Professor –